


How to crack a job interview?

Research About the Company

Your ability to answer interview questions improves with your knowledge of the company. Key information to know includes the company’s vision, mission, profile, key personnel, history, and recent milestones.

Analyze Job Description

Knowing the company is crucial, but also understand the job profile you’ve applied for. Review the skills in the job description and assess your fit. Research the top management’s achievements to understand the recruiters better. Recognizing how your skills align with the job is key to cracking the interview.

Brush Up Your Basics

If you’re an expert, expect recruiters to test your knowledge. Cracking an interview requires both expertise and an impressive personality. For freshers, it’s crucial to organize your thoughts and polish your basics before the interview.

Prepare for Potential Interview Questions

Want to know how to crack an interview? This section covers common interview questions. To answer them well, have a good command of your language and know how to present your answers. Make a list of these questions and practice in front of a mirror to introspect and learn about your strengths and weaknesses.

Be Prepared for Tests

Got an interview call? It might involve more than just a face-to-face meeting. Be prepared for written tests, presentations, or activities as preconditions. Companies use these to filter candidates. Prepare in advance to avoid surprises and stay mentally ready. Besides knowing how to crack an interview, keep these impromptu activities in mind during your preparation.

Be Punctual

Punctuality is crucial for cracking an interview. Being late can lead to rejection before the interview even starts. Plan your time well and include a buffer for emergencies.

Dress to Impress

Your attire speaks volumes about your personality and can create a strong impression. Be neat, well-groomed, and maintain personal hygiene. Don’t assume that only formal attire is suitable for an interview. Ensure you are presentable without being overly glamorous. Knowing how to present yourself is as important as knowing how to crack an interview.

Switch on the Interview Mode

Be polite and professional from the moment you arrive at the company’s office. It’s beneficial to be courteous and well-behaved throughout, as you never know who might be observing and influencing the hiring decision.

Be Confident

Feeling nervous about how to crack an interview? Relax, it’s natural. Remember, your confidence is your greatest strength and will help you succeed. Even if you’re anxious inside, recruiters see your outward demeanour. Stay confident but not overconfident, and be wise about what and when to say things.

Be Attentive

Your interviewer can analyse your behaviour and communication skills. To connect with them, stay focused and attentive. Being distracted or daydreaming can cause you to miss important information.

Maintain a Composed Body Posture

Your gestures and body language are crucial in an interview. Interviewers can decide within the first 90 seconds if they’re interested in hiring you. Maintain good posture and a smile to make a positive impression. Ensure your responses align with your expressions and body language. Doing this appropriately will help you crack the interview.

Eye Contact Builds Credibility

Always maintain eye contact when engaging with recruiters. This portrays confidence, makes the communication more engaging, and helps build mutual respect and a solid foundation of facts between you and your interviewer.

Ensure to Convey Clarity 

Always speak clearly and avoid rushing your answers. Achieve clarity of thought by calmly listening to the interviewer and analysing their questions before responding. If you don’t know an answer, be honest rather than mumbling or appearing unsure. It’s perfectly fine not to know everything.

Customize Your Answers

Be creative in your responses and avoid sounding repetitive. Tailor your skill set to match the company’s requirements, demonstrating how your abilities can add value to the job role and the organization.

Don’t Waste Time

Time is precious in an interview. Don’t waste it by guessing if you don’t know an answer. Sometimes tough questions are asked to see how you handle pressure, so stay calm and honest.

Your Strengths are Your Motivation

You’ll always have the opportunity to discuss your strengths and what motivates you. Seize every chance to highlight your skills and achievements, and explain how you can contribute to the team and be an asset to the company. Ensure you speak confidently and informatively, without coming across as arrogant or boastful.

Define Your Career Goals

Having clear career goals and ambitions is crucial for both your interview and life. Tailor your answer to the interviewer’s question, whether it’s about short-term or long-term goals. Avoid vague or abrupt responses; instead, discuss how you plan to grow in your field and within the company.

Follow the Interviewer’s Lead

Recognize that each interviewer has their own style of communication and conducting interviews. By adapting to their approach, you demonstrate good listening skills and the ability to adjust to the office environment.

Ask Relevant Questions

Feel free to ask relevant questions to clarify any doubts about your work profile, work culture, onboarding process, or the company. Asking questions helps you understand things better and demonstrates your interest in the job.

Conclude on a Positive Note

Regardless of how your interview goes, always take a moment to thank the interviewer for their time and consideration. Being composed and polite can positively impact your chances of selection. Mastering the art of concluding an interview is essential for leaving a lasting, positive impression.